Peggy’s newest book, Three Families, is now available on Amazon.
A tortured child hides in a wealthy family’s chicken house in southern Oklahoma and links the mystery of three strange families.
Clio in the Crossfire, the long-awaited sequel to Clio at War, can be bought on Amazon.
The Land Trilogy
In this young adult trilogy, Jenny must pit her wits and skills against a cabal of fanatics who take underage girls as brides in “celestial marriages for eternity.”
Land of Nod
Werewolves, zombies, and vampires don’t frighten fifteen-year-old Jenny Hatchet. A new polygamous stepfather, Gomer Obadiah Darken, who has tricked her mother into marriage, terrifies her.
Land of the Bong Tree
When fifteen-year-old Jenny Hatchet escapes from a forced “Celestial Marriage” in the Land of Nod, she finds temporary refuge on a reservation with the eccentric and charming Earnshaw family.